MORADAVAGA NEWS:+++SWING until the 16th of November at Plataforma das Artes, Guimarães, Portugal +++New website coming soon!

Monday, 14 April 2008

Moradavaga na Fábrica Social

“Moradavaga at Fábrica Social” was a one-day event that took place on the 16th of June 2007, in and around the buildings of an old derelict factory in Porto called Fábrica Social (Social Factory).
With a program that included the viewing and discussion of three short movies by the collective OSU (Ocupa Sensibiliza Utiliza) and a picnic, in addition to the exhibition of the works of the participants in the Ideas Competition launched by Moradavaga in April 2007, only the rain was able to reduce a little bit the success of the event. In spite of the weather, about 50 persons came to the premises of FÁBRICA SOCIAL on the day of the event.

Click here to go to the pictures of the event

Those who were courageous enough to “tackle” the wind and the rain that fell that afternoon were able to wander around the semi-abandoned spaces of the old factory seeing the presented works as well as watching the movies that were screened in an improvised auditorium.

Click here to go to the movie

Moradavaga would like to express its gratitude to all those who participated and helped in the exhibition as well as to those who resisted to the heavy rain and came to see it!

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